The DotNet Time of Management System give away – AspDotNetTimeTracking

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This month i will be giving away one of my cool  software to any startup or sme (pme) or any other business willing to implement a time tracking system withing their HR environment.

But first , you have to know the story behind Aspdotnettimetracking, by Zongotech.  You will know why i have decided to give this software, i put my heart and soul to develop over the past 10 years.

The Story behind ASPDNTT


While i was pursuing my Master degree at Franklin University  , shout out to  class 08,   i was hire by one of a major bank to develop a time off management system for an entire department. This was the time and moment for 2.0 , web forms  and ajax  technologies. I was impressed with this project. To keep my skills up to date, i decided to use this idea as a side project by adding a lot of functionalities, and change completely the scope of my new project. Well, i was making sure i am not copying the idea if this corporate, because i don’t want to ruin my life down the road. So, Every time a new technology come up, i will spend my nights between friends and my computer. I always made sure i know how to use this new technology from Microsoft .net. I will first convert my app or site to  the latest Visual studio. This exercise was a key point for my knowledge in C# and .net. I was always up front when it come to colleagues. Long story short, i decide to move to Canada around 2008, and guess what? The first company i work for did not have a better tool for tracking the employee time such as vacation, illness, maternity leave and so on.

aspdnttResponsiveSo i then decide to keep doing what i do best. Keep renewing this app. Let me tell you, most company i work for struggle to handle the employee vacation. If you are an employee, tell me how many vacation days you have left as for yesterday? I always call HR or send an email to get mine, in many places i worked for. Plus, how do you request a time off with your manager or supervisor? I have to fill up a microd=soft Word document, the print it out, then bring it to my manager, wait for approval, then bring it to HR. Waowww  we are in 2016; how about gloabal warning fox?

Now you have it, You know the all story. Wait, when bootstrap came out, guess what? I change those web forms slso to go with MVC. For thos who need definition, MVC stand for model View Controller, a technology that separate View (html) to the Controller and models. Then i added a lot of modules like billings, documents , and many more.

I name this app, AspDOtNetTimeTracking and in the meantime hosted it with Azure for people to test it.

Why a give away?

After i show this to a friend of mine, his first word was , when are you selling it?  This is ready to be marketed. Well , now i see hundred of these app out there and it is very difficult to keep working on this on my own. So by giving it away i may helps some of the companies that are still struggling to have a HR system Hosted in House with side by side with their database. That is the ugly true.

The link below will allow you to download this and with instruction to install and use it for free, no limit, no string attached. You may want to ask your developer to install it . I can offer an hour of free support to get you start.

What is in the software


Easy, here is the demo

To see the admin

login Admin:demo password: demo2016

login user:userpassword: demo2016

Check it out:

Version available: English and Francais

  1. Bootstrap
  2. Responsive (phone and tablette)
  3. sql database
  4. membership
  5. MVC
  6. Tasking
  7. Project
  8. Scheduling
  9. Documents
  10. Many features





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