How to Create an IAM Role for Your .NET Application to Access Amazon Cognito User Pools
AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) enables you to create and manage AWS users and groups, and define the permissions…
Revolutionizing Software Architecture: How ChatGPT’s Enhances the Development Process
As a software architect, you are responsible for designing and overseeing the development of software systems. This can be a…
JWT vs API Key in API authentication
JWT (JSON Web Token) and API key are two different ways to authenticate requests made to an API (Application Programming…
Multitenancy 101: Understanding the Different Approaches to Serving Multiple Tenants in a Single Application
Multitenancy is a software architecture that allows a single instance of a software application to serve multiple tenants or clients.…
Row Level Security using Fluent NHibernate with Postgresql
Row-level security (RLS) is a security feature in some databases that allows you to control access to rows in a…
Handling Users and roles to Secure PostgreSQL single RDS instance for multitenancy database
I run into a scenario where I needed to deploy a multitenant application in a single RDS instance. The application…
Connecting to Aws RDS database with IAM authentication using NHibernate ORM with .Net C#
After my post regarding the security to connecting your application in the cloud, Use Aurora PostgreSql With Aws Iam Authentication…
Use Aurora PostgreSql With Aws Iam Authentication using DotNet6 Core MVC (code)
The goal of this post is to show how to Create Database and manage IAM to have access to database…
Css, js file from wwwroot folder are not published in .NET 6 Core MVC deploy or bin folder
.net core 6 is out with a lot changes and some new cool stuff. I decided to test it by…
Logging Using Log4Net in .NET Core application
Today in this article, we will see how to perform File/Rolling File logging and Console logging using Log4Net in Console .NET Core application. We shall be…
Turning off camelCasing, PascalCasing in JSON response from ASP.NET Core 3.1 API
In ASP.NET Core 3.1 api the default json response formatting is camelCase. When you have a model in this way…
How to use AWS Cognito in .NET Core 3.1
AWS Cognito is great tool to implement a secure and scalable user authentication for your web and mobile apps. It…